Ozzy Tirmizi, Ph.D. Student, Launches RockWear Apparel
Working Toward Better Representation in the Geosciences

Ozzy Tirmizi, a geology Ph.D. student, founded RockWear Apparel not just because of the scarce selection of geoscience merchandise, but also to contribute to increasing visibility of women and minorities in the geosciences.
The RockWear brand was created with the understanding that representation happens at many different levels, and every little bit helps.
“Our brand features a variety of designs that celebrate diversity, including those that highlight women and minorities, artistic landscape prints, geoscience lifestyle designs, and of course, no geoscience collection would be complete without a PUNderful series,” Tirmizi said.

Additionally, Tirmizi launched a blog alongside the apparel brand to spotlight women and minorities making strides in the geosciences.
“Currently my blog has two posts, but stay tuned. I’m awaiting submissions from more individuals who have promised to share their experiences,” he said. “I am eager to share more stories and would love to feature yours.”
If you are interested in being highlighted, please reach out to Tirmizi at ozzy@rockwear.app.