EAS Student Body Committee Welcomes All New Students to the Department
The EAS Student Body Committee (SBC) is a student organization that focuses on providing EAS graduate students with social and professional development and outreach opportunities throughout the semester.
The SBC hosts social events, principally monthly Happy Hours, that are held on campus or at local establishments off campus. The first Happy Hour since the COVID-19 pandemic began was held on October 7 at Platypus Brewing in downtown Houston, where EAS students and faculty gathered to network and socialize. The SBC aims to create a community between students and faculty members through social events.
Additionally, the SBC works to connect with other student organizations through social events designed to bring together the different disciplines of the EAS community.
The SBC also organizes the department-wide annual Student Research Conference where graduate and undergraduate students practice scientific communication and can win cash prizes.
Perhaps the group’s most important function is to provide a forum for discussion between the faculty and graduate students to improve the quality of graduate and undergraduate student life.
If there is anything you want brought to the attention of the faculty, please email easgradcommittee@gmail.com or reach out to one of the EAS Student Body Committee members.
2022–2023 Officers
- Tabitha Lee - Graduate Student Chair
- Ronin Costello - Social Chair
- Thishan Gamalathge - Student Research Conference Chair
- Delaney Nelson - Atmospheric Science Chair
- Chris Calvelage - Geophysics Chair
- Steven Ramirez - Undergraduate Chair